
  1. 1.Fundamental Policy

    With our group, “Compliance” is positioned as the basic management policy. Officers and employees are deeply aware of the importance of compliance and endeavor to carry out fair and equitable business operations that meet the expectations of society.

  2. 2.Structure

    The Company has established the Compliance Committee to monitor the status of compliance in the Group, prevent compliance violations and take appropriate actions when a compliance violation occurs. The meeting is chaired by the Company's CEO, with regular meetings held twice a year and extraordinary meetings as deemed necessary. In this meeting, various measures to ensure thorough compliance of the Group are studied and implemented by each group company.

  3. 3.Training

    With our group companies, to raise awareness of compliance and to acquire the correct knowledge of compliance, we are conducting training for employees every year. The Company which also oversees compliance for the entire group companies has a policy of training directors, that the directors are required to receive compliance training at the time of taking an office and at any time during his / her tenure in the office.

  4. 4.Internal Reporting System

    In order to prevent compliance violations and improve the self-cleaning function through early detection, the Group has established an internal reporting system in which officers and employees of each group company can report the details of compliance violations in the company to the company. Report desks are available not only internally but also externally.